How To

How to add movies to WhatsApp statuses

Have you ever wanted to add movies to your WhatsApp statuses ? Surely, if that idea has crossed your mind, you have wondered how to do it. When we see a good movie, we want to share it with all our friends, we are even used to sharing videos.

While it is true that in this app we are allowed to share videos of only 1 minute, let’s learn about the possible alternatives to share a movie. The time has come for you to show your friends and family your best recommendations from the world of cinema.

Is it possible to add movies to WhatsApp statuses?

Yes, it is possible. However, maybe not in the way you imagine. Maybe you want to post a status with a duration of 1 hour or 2 hours for the movie. WhatsApp policy does not yet allow sharing statuses with such duration.

Many people choose to put cut movie parts into one-minute videos. This is a possibility, however, you need to have a good internet connection and patience to trim the videos right where the previous one ends. This option is good for sharing a trailer, but we don’t recommend it for adding movies to the statuses.

The alternative we can recommend is to place the link to access the movie, so the person can go directly to the website and enjoy it. It is more accurate and convenient for both you and the person who wants to watch the movie.

We recommend that you first post a trailer for the movie or an image related to a scene. After this, once you have captured the attention and interest of your friends, post the link that will automatically direct them to the movie.

How to add movies in WhatsApp statuses | How to add movies in WhatsApp statuses1

Advantages and disadvantages of WhatsApp as a video sharing platform

On this platform, people usually share videos of one minute or less about news, moments from their daily lives, jokes, and music or movie-related recommendations. Below, we want to show you the advantages and disadvantages of using this platform to share videos.

One-minute videos capture the public’s attentionSome videos may degrade image quality
They are uploaded to the app in a few secondsDividing a long video into one-minute clips reduces audience engagement
People can interact with your video by liking it or sending a message.You can’t post videos without internet

Advertising videos of products and services that last less than a minute are ideal for posting on the app . However, adding movies in statuses is not possible due to time constraints. But you can opt for our recommendations for sharing movies, such as posting the link or posting short scenes from the movie.

Why is there a one minute limit on states?

Long videos consume more storage within the app and also more mobile data. On the other hand, long videos can cause your friends’ cell phones to slow down when watching them. Finally, we could say that this company cares about the aesthetics of the app and long videos diminish the good experience of users.

Creative solutions

In this article we share the solution that involves placing the link of the movie so that your users can enter and enjoy it. However, if we want to motivate the vast majority of our friends to watch it, we must be a little creative.

Adding a one-minute trailer is ideal for letting your friends know about the movie and want to watch it. Secondly, we recommend placing stickers on the link post , icons can also work. The goal is to make your status look dynamic so that your contacts access the link.

Remember to place a secure link, free of viruses, and that the movie has a good quality format. In case you do not have the access link for the movie but you know the platform, you can place a photo of the movie on the platform so that your friends can search for it.

When recommending a movie on social media, it’s always best to be as visual as possible. That is, it’s not enough to just put the name on it; the cover of the movie helps people find it faster. Remember that we live in fast-paced times where people choose to do activities that don’t take up much of their time.

Could you add movies in the states divided into short scenes?

Of course you can, and many people even do it. They break down the most important scenes of the movie into one-minute videos. Even though it may take a little work on your part, it is really worth it. The most important thing is to keep in mind some tips so that you don’t lose the attention of your WhatsApp friends.

  • Post high-resolution videos, remember that when posting them on this app the quality usually decreases.
  • You can add some stickers, emoticons or texts to the scenes to keep the attention of the viewer.
  • Don’t forget about consistency between one scene and another, we recommend not posting several videos at once, but rather going one by one.
  • Use some editing apps to trim videos and add transitions.

Although doing this whole process can take time, it is really fun for those who like movies. Many people appreciate the time and dedication you put into creating your statuses. We are sure that you will surprise many with your movie recommendations made in such an original and creative way.

It’s time to share your favorite movies

We all enjoy a good movie and when we want to recommend it we know no limits. WhatsApp has its one-minute duration rule for each video, but in this article you have learned the alternatives to add movies in the statuses .

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